Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My dog is just not very bright

He's always getting himself into trouble by doing things like this

He chewed a hole in my blanket, crawled in it, got stuck, and then walked around like a super hero. Which actually, is pretty damn cute, but he's just not all that smart. Our jack mix, Gambit, would have for sure gotten out of it, but no, Chili just had to drag it around the house and make the hole HUGE.

Unless maybe he did it on purpose? Maybe Mr. Chili Dog really has a secret life I don't know about. Hmm...


ncharshaf handmade said...

I vote smartest dog ever for creating his own super hero costume!

Amy said...

Hahahah!!! How funny that the way he chewed the hole and got stuck looked like a cape! Although, I'd be really mad if I were you- I have a deep affection for my blankets. I really do! lol

VeganCraftastic said...

Ha, what a cutie!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Too funny!